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Transition to OnCore

All new studies will be created in OnCore as of 08/29/2024.  https://one.advarracloud.com/

Web Page Links

OnCore website 
The latest information about OnCore.
OHSU Research Rates 
Link to Research Rates website
Epic for Research 
Tip sheets and resources for using Epic for research
eCRISNotifications Listserv (Subscribe) 
eCRIS Website 
Manuals, access, training, contacts
eCRIS User Manual 

Shibboleth Login

Can't Log In?

Here is what you need to do to access eCRIS:
Step 1: If you do not currently have eIRB access, request an eIRB and eCRIS account.
Step 2:  We are now using DUO to authenticate users logging into eCRIS.  For help with Duo, please contact the ITG Help Desk at 503-494-2222.
Step 3: Contact eCRISsupport@ohsu.edu to get your eCRIS account set up properly.


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